We are here…

To say that we are relieved for the waiting to be over would be the understatement of our lives. And also, to say that it is without heavy hearts for the family, friends, community, and church we left behind would be equally as understated. But, we counted the cost and His grace has given us peace in our calling to be here.

We have been here for 4 days now (the pic is from day one, that’s why we are all dazed and moderately cross eyed), and we are finally over the jet lag and time change hump and looking forward to Shabbat service at Narkis St. congregation tomorrow morning.

Our apartment that we are subletting could not be in a more perfect location. There is a park literally a 60 second walk from our door that has a pastry and coffee bar in it. We are 500 meters from Izzy’s dream breakfast of waffles and ice cream that she has been waiting for ever since our march trip when the “Boland girls” ordered this kid’s dream breakfast at Caffit. We are in an area that is safe, and also familiar from previous trips. If you needed me to point out one negative, here it is. Too much English. I feel like if we are not careful we will not be intentional about learning Hebrew, and that is something I dont want to fall into.

The season of preparing for moving here has been the greatest season of faith that I have experienced thus far in my walk with the Lord. There were times it looked like we were going to come over here without being able to afford anything and I mean ANYTHING, and we were still going to come. When we bought our plane tickets it literally zeroed out The Few Ministries bank account, but we prayed and trusted we heard the Lord, and we did what He said. And He came through! Every step of the way He has provided in our one time funding needs. The plane tickets, apartment, and travel money all came in. Every step of faith has been met with His faithfulness. I would not say that the life of faith has become any easier, but we do know that He is trustworthy to a whole new level from experiences we could have never fathomed happening. So while it is just as shocking to live by faith, our “yes” is more sold out than ever before.

Now we are waiting to see what doors He opens for us to go from coming to staying. We are expectant that He is going to make a way for us to receive visas that allow us to be here at whatever capacity He desires of us. In the same regard (that we may stay) we are still believing that He is going to bring people to support our mission monthly. We are about 50 percent of the way there meaning we are needing 50 more people at $100 a month, or 25 at $200, or 10 at $500, we are not picky and do not want to put God in a box. We are beyond blessed to have such incredible people supporting us financially and prayerfully and to be transparent, right now we need prayer above all else. If we have all of the money, and no intercession we will not make it.

We know there are some tough times ahead. We look forward to everything, we know it will grow our faith, our intimacy with the Lord, and our relationships with one another. We tell our kids all of the time that “Joy is a choice” and we choose Joy above everything else. We know where we get it, it is our strength, and there is no law against His fruit so we know it will last.

If you have made it reading this far, know that we truly appreciate you and would love for you to pray for us. Pray for our safety, provision, opportunity, and most importantly our steadfastness in not simply staying here but staying in His will. We want nothing more than to be obedient to what Jesus says. Thank you from the very core of who we are! We love you!


Peace that surpasses understanding…


The Pulaskis “On Mission”