The Pulaskis “On Mission”

Where, why, who?

We are being called to Israel to continue what we do here in the US. We equip families that are suffering from trauma with the tools, community, and understanding they need to live fulfilled lives. There are also unique qualities to the grace that God has worked in us to help encourage, edify, and give hope to those already in ministry in Israel that may not fall clearly under the mission and vision of the Freedom Fighter Foundation who we have been working with for a little over two years, and will continue working with in Israel to help establish programs and leadership. We are going to be obedient in serving in every capacity and geography that the Lord calls us to. Our families experience in dealing with PTSD and the Power of God changing hearts, allows us to have insight and comfort in normalizing conversation that most are ashamed or uncomfortable speaking about

We know the Lord is guiding us to reach the people of Israel without prejudice in this time where trauma is still acute and has not moved to a POST trauma stage. We have the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve for the sake of families, communities, and a nation as a whole.


In January Shade Bounds and Jake made connections with individuals, organizations, and congregations (churches). We will develop deeper relationship with them so that we may serve them well in further equipping them in what the Lord has already called them to do. We are not taking territory or planting a flag we truly want to equip others for “The ministry of others” that the Lord desires. We also believe that there are strategic relationships that we do not have yet, and missions that we do not know about yet.

Why us?

We asked this several time a day initially and it has become quite simple for us now to answer. Because we said “yes”. We gave God our yes 2+ years ago now and we have not looked back. He has established in us a testimony that speaks to many different people at many different levels and where our testimony does not meet them, he continues to make a way for us to simply show His love. We are going because we heard the call, He has our hearts in totality, and we want to share the miracles He has accomplished in our lives and watch Him do the same in the lives of others.

To what end?

Our greatest goal in all of our ministry is “longevity”. This is a dream which means we may never get to see our mission be “complete”. We trust that the Lord will continue work through others long after we are “finished”. Our goal for establishing ministry is always with longevity in mind and holding loosely to what is “ours”. We want to equip a national group of leaders to continue what the Lord begins with us and be sustained by what the Lord brings to us in finance, possibly property, and functional curriculum.


The Lord laid on our heart “100 at 100”. Which is ten thousand dollars a month. It will cost us about 7200 to live and minister. Which leaves us $3000 a month that we can sow into families needing relief. There is not VA disability supplementing income for a mom or dad to take a few days off for spiritual, mental, or even marital health. We want to be able to bring this opportunity with us so that we can spend intentional time intensely ministering love and Truth to couples.

This budget is not concrete, we hope to have an expanding budget to possibly rent out some property with multiple cabins on it to have ministry weekends, conventions, and the like so that community will be established, and the Body become fully functional.

If you are still reading, thank you. It is hard to share our hearts on matters that transition our life so much with few and concise words. We could never convey the honor that those that walk with us deserve. The Lord has truly blessed us with champions in our life to instill in us the audacity to “step”. We are so humbled by those around us that we get to serve with. Our family has grown so much in the last two years, and to see a departure on the horizon is incredibly weighty. Whether it is three months, or ten years they honestly feel the same right now. We love you all, truly.


We are here…